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New Qty. ITEM Atacom Part No. PRICE QTY. AMOUNT
IEI PCIE-Q370-R11 Full Size CPU Card PICMG 1.3 CPU Card supports LGA1151 Intel Core IPB3_IEIX_Q3_70 $499.95 1 $499.95
Belkin BM106000-06-E 1080J 6 OT 6FT CORD REG PLUG ENERGY SAVING PSUR_BELK_BM_11 $28.95 1 $28.95
Areca Areca ARC-1883IX-24-8GB Dual Core 28Port 8GB SAS-3.0 12Gb/s/SATA PCI-E RAID Controller Retail CONB_AREC_18_4A $1533.95 1 $1533.95
Subtotal: $2062.85
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