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New Qty. ITEM Atacom Part No. PRICE QTY. AMOUNT
IEI AFLP-12AMSI-U Hybrid Card Reader for AFL-12A with bracket USB interface Magnetic Smart Card iButton IAMO_IEIX_AF_37 $179.00 1 $179.00
Lenovo ThinkPad T450s 20BX001AUS 14 INCH LED Ultrabook - Intel Core i5 i5-5300U Dual-core (2 Core) 2.30 GHz 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD. WIN 7 PRO 64BIT NOT4_LENO_T4_AS $1495.95 1 $1495.95
Gigabyte Mouse GM-M7700 USB 2.4GHz Wireless 800/1600dpi Laser Black/Red Retail MOUS_GIGA_11_1R $30.95 1 $30.95
Subtotal: $1705.90
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