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New Qty. ITEM Atacom Part No. PRICE QTY. AMOUNT
Kingston ME HX434C16FB3K4 32 32G 3466 DDR4 CL16 DIMM K4 1Rx8 HyperX FURY Black MED4_KING_32_CB $215.95 1 $215.95
Hitachi HGST HD 0B36040 4TB 3.5 256MB 7200RPM SATA ULTRA 512E Secure Erase 7K6 Bare HDSA_HITA_4T_1L $216.95 1 $216.95
Plantronics 82397-11 W430-M SAVI EARLOOP WIRELESS HEADSET W/MIC DECT PHON_PLAT_82_90 $285.95 1 $285.95
Subtotal: $718.85
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