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New Qty. ITEM Atacom Part No. PRICE QTY. AMOUNT
IBase MBX-PK1-2K COM3/COM4 Port Cable for MB886/898 for IB840F(IBASE PK1-2K) 30cm IRCX_IBAS_PK_2K $15.00 1 $15.00
Supermicro SYS-5026Ti-BTRF 2U 4-Node XEON X3400/L3400 LGA1156 High Density-Server w/ CSE-827H-R920B , X8SIT-F, DDR3, 12x SATA, 8x GBLAN, 920W, IPMI SYI2_SUPE_50_26 $1964.95 1 $1964.95
Subtotal: $1979.95
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